Accreditation & Certification

Integrated Management System Certifications

We follow an integrated management system (IMS) combining our Quality, Environmental, and Safety Management Systems under one umbrella. We have been awarded with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 accreditations which shows our commitment to quality, environment, safety & occupational health.

NIICAP Certification

NACE International Institute Contractors Accreditation Program (NIICAP) is a Coating Contractors Certification given by NACE – The World Wide Corrosion Authority. The program is designed and guided by industry experts to serve as a vital tool for coatings contractors and asset owners to improve operations, reduce costs, increase visibility and opportunity. It gives coatings contractors a transparent, industry-designed mechanism for improving product and service quality, extending asset life and performance, enhancing best practices, and mitigating business and health, safety and environmental risks.

Al Hamaad Sons Corrosion Control Division achieved NIICAP accreditation at the AS-1 Shop & AS-1 Field programs, demonstrating the ability to perform surface preparation and coatings/lining application processes in a safe and workmanlike manner, both for as well as field works. Al Hamaad Sons also became the first NIICAP 5 star accredited Contractor in Kuwait in 2020 joining an elite club of best coating contractors in the world.

NIICAP accreditation shows our commitment to providing the highest levels of service to its customers, and demonstrates leading expertise in specialty knowledge, product and service quality, and organizational achievement.


 Careful strategic planning ensures that our production & service facilities can meet the demand of our Contractors and Clients without sacrificing quality, consistency or reliability. Our dedicated quality control specialists ensure that every Job we undertake meets our high standards.

To our credit, we have an excellent team of highly motivated and skilled workforce led by highly qualified professionals who can cope with any peak work schedules in an efficient and competitive manner. As an added advantage we have number of Construction Equipment, Tools and Vehicles to back up our projects execution. 

Al Hamaad Sons has accomplished over 200 projects in Oil, Gas & Construction sectors  partnering with such renowned companies as KOC, KNPC, KIPIC,  Hyundai Engineering, GS, SK, JGC, CB&I and & Government institutions like Ministry of Electricity and Water.